Saturday, March 19, 2016


I was Jack Carey's boss for ten years before he retired. Working with a legend with so many years of wisdom was an honor and a challenge. Jack characteristically questioned and pushed the boundaries to make everything and everyone the best they could be—including me.

He lived his life with great passion, committed to his mission—but he also had a way of seeing and understanding people. Sometimes he connected, and sometimes he did not, but he always knew what made every single person tick—which was one of the many reasons he was so successful.

New employees were often intimidated by Jack, but he drew the very good ones out, and kept them on his team—and they were very loyal to him.  He went to the new editors to learn about their markets and knew instantly the ones who would make a mark.

Cecie called us "Spencer and Tracy” because of the tension and creative banter, but it was not quite like that.  We—including my husband and family—loved Jack and Cecie. 
Cecie—the hippest grandmother I knew—shopped for all the baby stuff we needed the weekend before our adopted daughter Jasmine came home. Later, as Jasmine learned to recite the alphabet, it became “A, B, Cecie, E, F. . . !”  (Not sure what happened to D)

Jack just smiled.

Ironically, so many people knew Jack because of his career, but it was Jack who taught me it is not all about that—it is about who you love and who loves you.

Rest in Peace, Jack Carey.

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